Edward Johnson
Edward Johnson established his business in 2009 after gaining invaluable experience working in the furniture design and manufacturing industry. He graduated from Buckinghamshire Chilterns University in 2007 with a first-class honours degree. Edward has since gone on to develop a deep understanding for his craft and now produces museum quality furniture for private and commercial clients.

“I am led by a core desire to challenge and to innovate”
Edward works alongside his small highly skilled professional team, comprising of cabinet makers, a workshop assistant and a studio and marketing manager. Edward plays an important hands-on role at the bench, supporting the team to bring his thought-provoking and challenging furniture designs to life. His designs are often conceptually based, but with form and function always at the fore. Edward perceives both beauty and usefulness in equal parts when designing and developing his ideas into thought-provoking, fluid and tactile forms. One of his principal aims is to challenge our understanding of what is possible, which he achieves through his creative aptitude and ability to engineer in wood.